..Semoga adik boleh jadi anak yang mak & ayah banggakan..
..If i can be beside u mom, I really want kiss ur hand..
..I Love U So Much Mom..
xXx.. Hugs n kiSs on ur bufDAy ..xXx
Yeah2 i'm lucky...BecOz...i juz got award from my luvly sis..tQ so much dear 4 diz AWARD..i’m really2 appreciate it…I’ll give a gud care 2 diz cute monkey..hehe.. nak kena bg makan pisang ke nih?...hehehe…. But,after we got diz AWARD..we have to follow the term & condition :-
· Who got diz award, u can put it in ur own blog..
· Then, link again diz award to the person who give u diz award..
· Give diz AWARD to 7 lucky person..
· Lastly, leave a message to the person who give u diz AWARD and tell them that u have been send the AWARD to the another lucky persons …
my LUCKY guys are :-